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We are so excited to partner with Community Autism Resources for their first ever “prom” style event, called the Spring Fling!
WHAT : Spring Fling
WHEN : Saturday, March 15, 2025 | 6PM – 10PM
WHERE: Century House | Acushnet, MA
WHO: Autistic Adults 18 + | Caregivers or Support Staff welcome for individuals needing additional support
DRESS CODE :  Dress to impress, prom style, or come comfortable. We would like this to be a wonderful experience for everyone and understand that not everyone is comfortable wearing this type of attire. We do not want a dress code to be the reason why you do not attend.
DETAILS :  Attendees can expect to enjoy a delicious dinner and dance the night away with DJ Omari! Bring your best moves! This will be a Silent Disco. Headphones will be provided to all attendees so they can control their own music volume as well as take them off if they would like a break from the music. With the music being played only through the headphones, everyone can enjoy conversations without having to shout over loud music!
DJ Omari will not be utilizing any strobe or flashing lights for this event.
We have many ticket options available! Individual tickets, +1 tickets, as well as the option to gift a ticket and/or sponsor tables for this event! If you are not able to attend, please consider gifting a ticket to someone that may not be able to attend due to financial restrictions.
We CAN NOT wait to see you all there!